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Beginning Of Summer 2023
Zack (May 23, 2023)
Shawn and I were thrilled after being grounded for several months due to maintenance issues, our airplane, Big Boy, was back in our hands. With the initial flights behind me and the rust shaken off, we were eager to embrace the open skies and kick off the summer with a grand adventure.

True to his impeccable style, Shawn crafted a perfect plan for our first trip: a flight to Ocean City, Maryland—an airport yet uncharted in our flying adventures. Fortunately, it was not far from our new home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

We departed from Runway 31, following the tower's instructions for a right-hand turn to a heading of 120 degrees. We climbed to an altitude of 5,500 feet, but the day greeted us with a thick haze, severely limiting our visibility.

After initially requesting flight following from Reading approach, we quickly transitioned to Harrisburg approach. They provided a transponder squawk code as I plotted our course directly to the Smyrna VOR, and then onwards to the Waterloo VOR. This route hugged the Eastern Shore of Delaware and Maryland. Unfortunately, the hazy conditions masked the stunning views I had hoped to enjoy on our journey to Ocean City.

Upon landing in Ocean City, we spent the day basking in the delightful seaside atmosphere. However, the sun proved more intense than anticipated, a reminder that it was our first real outing of the season. We found a charming spot for happy hour, meticulously planned by Shawn, before returning to the airport. Libations for Shawn and food for me (I had to fly us home after all). This trip was the perfect prelude to our summer adventures.

The return flight saw us opting for a more direct route, forgoing the VOR navigation in favor of efficiency. Our Bonanza, true to its reputation, saved us considerable time; what would have been over a three-and-a-half-hour drive was condensed into a swift, comfortable flight of about 45 minutes. A slower aircraft would have stretched the journey even longer, highlighting the convenience and speed of our trusty Bonanza.

After a winter spent mostly indoors and missing our plane, it was rejuvenating to feel the sand between our toes, savor the sea breeze in Ocean City, and once again experience the thrill of flight and the beauty of the world from above.

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Sunset over the Chesapeake Bay looking West (Zack May 23rd, 2023)
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