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Big Boy's Journey Home: Day One
Zack (July 01, 2018)
Day One: The First Encounter

My dear friend Brad, a skilled aircraft mechanic, had kindly flown to Texas the day before my arrival to perform a meticulous inspection of N793D. The pre-buy inspection is a vital rite in the acquisition of an aircraft. The following day unfolded as a race against time; I hurried from Downington to Philadelphia to catch my flight. Regrettably, Shawn could not accompany me, burdened by a particularly demanding week at work. I barely managed to board my flight from Philadelphia (KPHL) to Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), saved by a stroke of fortune.

Brad awaited me at DFW, and together we embarked on our journey to Tyler-Pounds Airport, pausing for a meal along the way. It was during this pause that the relentless Texas heat revealed itself; a crayon was melting on the sidewalk outside the restaurant, as if nature itself was surrendering to the sun's embrace.

Arriving at Tyler-Pounds (KTYR), I was greeted by my first glimpse of "Big Boy." Veiled and resting proudly on the tarmac among other remarkable aircraft, it was an awe-inspiring sight. There is a singular magic in the allure of one's first airplane, and this one was truly enchanting. With its graceful lines and commanding presence, N793D was irresistible. Though its panel may require some aesthetic refinements in the years to come, it was an impressive sight, nonetheless.

The seller and I climbed aboard the aircraft for a brief flight to East Texas Regional (KGGG) in Longview, where Brad, having arrived earlier on his commercial flight, had arranged for a rental car. After the paperwork was signed, the check exchanged, and a few photographs taken, the seller and his wife bid us farewell. It was now official—Shawn and I were the proud owners of an airplane!

Brad and I looked forward with anticipation to beginning our journey back home the following day.

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Zack's first view of Big Boy was through a fence at Tyler Pounds Regional Airport (KTYR). The airplane was covered to protect it against the Texas dust. This is a picture of that first view! (Zack July 1st, 2018)
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'Big Boy' flying over the fields near Dayton, Ohio. This was during the training sessions right after purchase (Zack July 4th, 2018)
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